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We care about our patients and our staff and would like to let you know: 

Our facility is a Covid- 19 Free Facility! We have always followed the AAAC guidelines for infection control and we are taking the recommended precautions by the CDC and more. 

We have continued to perform our current safety precautions and have taken extra measures to enhance these procedures.

Some of the extra measures we have taken are: 

  • Temperature checks on all employees as they enter the office for the day.
  • All staff must wear mask. 
  • All patients are pre-screened prior to entrance into waiting room.
  • Triaging patients prior to their entrance to the waiting room.
  • Taking patients temperatures prior to entrance to waiting room. 
  • We have decreased the amount of patients seen at the same time. 
  • Capacity of the lobby is 10 or less. 
  • Scheduled cleaning multiple times a day of the waiting area. 
  • Patients are taken back to their exam room as soon as possible so you will have minimal contact with other patients. 
  • Patient’s drivers are not allowed into the waiting room. 
  • Family members are not allowed in the Endo suite. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our office at 703.723.3670.