Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus. If you have hemorrhoids you may experience anal pain or itching, and/or bleeding especially during a bowel movement.
Some common causes include straining during a bowel movement, constipation, sitting for long periods of time, and pregnancy.
Conservative treatments include sitz baths, soft stools, prevention of prolonged sitting and creams/ointments for inflammation.
Infrared Coagulation (IRC)
Application of directed heat to reduce flow of blood to the hemorrhoid. This procedure may be performed in office or in conjunction with a colonoscopy and typically does not require anesthesia.
Bipolar Ligation of Hemorrhoids (HET)
The HET bipolar system is a gentle, simple and effective non-surgical treatment for symptomatic hemorrhoids. This method uses gentle pressure and heat to target blood flow to hemorrhoids. This procedures allows treatment of multiple hemorrhoids in a single visit with few complications. This procedure is performed separately from the colonoscopy and requires anesthesia. Patients may resume activity the following day.